“I want to thank you for all the stuff you bring in,”

It is easy to talk about the importance of eating vegetables and other nutritious foods. Most people know that if you eat fruits and greens, your body gets what it needs to thrive and stay healthy. Many individuals have regular access to these beneficial foods, but many do not. For those who are on a fixed income or lack access to transportation, getting their hands on something as simple as a bag of lettuce can be a nearly impossible task.
To help overcome these obstacles, the Food Bank’s Mainers Feeding Mainers Lettuce Share program is providing senior centers with healthy, nutritious
foods for their residents. At one location in Lewiston, the halls come to life about 30 minutes before the food even arrives. As conversation flows and laughs are had, it becomes clear that this weekly food distribution has become an event that everyone looks forward to.
“I want to thank you for all the stuff you bring in here, its helped me stay on my diabetic diet,” says Evelyn, a resident. “All these vegetables, there’s nothing like them. I am staying healthy because of it, it helps us eat right.”
To learn more about the programs GSFB offers, click here.