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Community Redistribution Fund

Closing the gap within food insecurity

The Community Redistribution Fund aims to support organizations’ efforts to address the disproportionate impact of food insecurity and increase access to culturally relevant foods to communities of color, immigrant, and refugee communities in Maine.

Key information about the grant

The Community Redistribution Fund supports organizations’ efforts to address the disproportionate impact of food insecurity and increase access to culturally relevant foods. This grant is for organizations led by and working primarily with communities of color, immigrants, and refugees.

Priority will be given to community-led organizations and efforts led by and primarily serving people of color. Previous grantees are encouraged to apply.


Organizations primarily led by and working with communities of color, Indigenous, refugee, immigrant, and asylum-seeking populations in the state of Maine.

Funding Tiers

Applicants can only apply for one (1) of the grants and are encouraged to consider which grant fits their needs and project proposal.

Use of Grant Funds

Use of grant funds can include, but are not limited to: the purchase of food or gift cards for direct distribution or meal preparation. Up to 20% of grant funds may be used for general operating expenses.


The grant cycle happens once per year and is approximately six months from the application period to the award period.

CRF Advisory Committee

Help guide the restructuring and improvement of the Food Bank’s CRF by reviewing policies and guiding documents, as well as serving as a sounding board for Food Bank staff.

CRF Community Table

An opportunity for you to make a difference by engaging in a participatory and collective decision-making process to help redistribute Food Bank funds and resources.

Award Grantees

Community Redistribution Fund Report

Take a look at the impact of the 2022 Community Redistribution Fund.

Community Redistribution Fund Application


Eligible organizations and projects must be based in Maine, and contribute to a more just and equitable food system. Grassroots, community-led organizations and coalitions, fiscally-sponsored, and collaborative projects are encouraged to apply. Please note that individuals are not eligible to receive grant funds.

To ensure that CRF grant funds are redistributed to organizations led by and primarily working with BIPOC, immigrant, and refugee communities, the following organizational criteria will also apply:

  • 50% or more of the organization’s leadership staff or program directors are BIPOC
  • 50% of board members or governing decision-making roles are BIPOC
  • 50% of activists and on-the-ground community change-makers are BIPOC
  • If an organization does not meet the organizational criteria of being BIPOC-led, a steering committee led by members of BIPOC communities may suffice.

More details


The purpose of the Community Redistribution Fund is to support organizations’ efforts to address the disproportionate impact of food insecurity and increase access to culturally important foods to BIPOC (Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color), immigrant, and refugee communities in Maine. This grant is intended for organizations led by and working primarily with BIPOC (Black and Indigenous people and People of Color), immigrant, and refugee communities.

Priority will be given to community-led organizations and efforts led by and primarily serving people of color. Previous grantees are encouraged to apply.


To ensure equitable redistribution, the tiered approach provided below seeks to address varying levels of need across the entire state of Maine. Applicants can only apply for one (1) of the grants listed below and are encouraged to consider which grant fits their needs and project proposal.

Total Funding Available: $750,000

25 Community Impact Grants 

  • Award Amount: $20,000, one-time, Funding Available: $500,000
  • Purpose: To provide funding for partnerships, programs, and projects that seek to break down barriers and increase access to culturally important foods in culturally responsive ways.
  • Geographic Reach: Statewide, Regional, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, or Counties

3 Systemic Impact Grants 

  • Award Amount: $50,000, one-time, Funding Available: $150,000
  • Purpose: To provide funding for partnerships, programs, and projects that seek to address systemic, food-related issues that have a disproportionate impact on communities of color.
  • Geographic Reach: Statewide; and/or Systemic Impact (food-related).

10 Grassroots Impact Grants

  • Award Amount: $10,000, one-time, Funding Available: $100,000
  • Purpose: To provide funding for grassroots organizations, pilot and nontraditional programs that seek to address emergent needs of BIPOC communities.
  • Geographic Reach: Local and/or County Impact


Use of grant funds can include but is not limited to: the purchase of food for direct distribution or meal preparation; gift cards/credits to culturally specific markets for community members; food sovereignty projects; farming/agriculture projects; transportation; storage; and distribution costs.

Up to 20% of grant funds may be used for general operating expenses. If you have questions about particular expenses, please contact us to discuss.

Mailing Address(Required)
Contact Name(Required)

Project Proposal

Please describe your project. Please include what communities you will work with, including countries of origin, if applicable. Where does your project take place? How will your project make culturally important foods available to community members in need?
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Upload file.
Does your project (please select the option that is most applicable):(Required)

Grant Request and Project Budget

What funding level are you applying (please selection the option that you feel is most applicable to you proposal)?(Required)
Please list all expenses that grant funds will be used for. Up to 20% of grant requests may be used for general operational expenses.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Upload file.
Please list any other partner organizations/groups that you collaborate with on your food access work.

Optional Questions and Accessibility

Accessibility If you have concerns related to the accessibility of this application or need to request accommodations in order to complete it, please email and we will work with you to address your needs/concerns.